22 January 2015


Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. 

Use the following two words in one sentence (note the parts of speech).

paramount (adjective) and suppress (verb).

To further improve your vocabulary, remember to check out the Word of the Day
The site also has word games and puzzles.


Liudmila140 said...

Although healthy eating is the paramount of our wellbeing, sometimes we cannot suppress the urge to eat something that is not considered as a healthy option.

Olena140 said...

It is of paramount importance for some governments to suppress the slightest manifestation of freedom of speech.

Olena140 said...


I believe you used paramount as a noun, not as an adjective.

Michael said...

Yes, Liudmila's sentence should say: "Although healthy eating is paramount to our wellbeing, sometimes we cannot suppress the urge to eat something that is not considered a healthy option."