18 October 2013


If the sentences are singular, change them to the plural; if they are plural, change them to the singular.

My daughter is starting school this week. I will take her to a nearby school (one within walking distance of our home). I’m sure she will soon settle in and make a friend. I sometimes think that having a child start school is more traumatic for the mother than for the child.

Each student should write a slightly different answer. 


Guadalupe Perez said...

My daughters are starting their schools. I’m gonna take them to nearby schools (the two schools are within walking distance from our home) I'm sure that they will soon settle in and make friends. I sometimes think that having children that starts school is more traumatic for the mother than for the children

Andrea140,143 said...

My daughters are starting school this week. I will take them to a nearby school (one within walking distance of our home). I'm sure they will settle in soon and make friends. I sometimes think that having children start school is more traumatic for the mothers than for the children.

Michael said...

well done, Andrea!

Good effort, Guadalupe -- but "school" isn't usually countable in the phrase "starting school," so it isn't necessary to pluralize it (even when you are speaking about many children).

"Nearby schools" is good, though.

"Gonna" is very informal!

You have made a punctuation error and an error in verb-agreement. Can you see them?