10 November 2016


Learning to combine ideas into more complex sentences is an important writing skill. There are many ways to do this. Try to combine the following three sentences. Do not use a semi-colon.

Sentence 1: The children will be clamouring to see Santa Clause at the mall.
Sentence 2: The mall will be crowded with Christmas shoppers.
Sentence 3: The line to see Santa will be very long.


Nichole M. said...

The line to see Santa will be very long, and the mall will be crowded with Christmas shoppers, and children clamouring to see Santa Clause.

Brad Letourneau said...

In spite of the fact that the children will be clamouring to see Santa Clause at the mall, and the line to see Santa will be very long, the mall will still be crowded with Christmas shoppers.

dianaz said...

The mall will be crowded with Christmas shoppers,the children will be clamoring to see Santa Clause at the mall and the line to see Santa will be very long.

Michael said...

Good try, everyone. But be sure to think about the logical relationship between each clause.

In this case, I think the best answer would include "so":

The mall will be crowded with Christmas shoppers, and the children will be clamouring to see Santa Clause, so the line to see Santa will be very long.