29 December 2013


Correct the errors in the following sentence:

On those short winter days over the Christmas and new year holiday, much people enjoying resting at home and eat traditionally foods; turkeys and all trimmings, the fruit cakes, the plum pudding, and minced meat pies. To sit by the fire is also a benefit as the weathers usually cold than but some people are liking participating in winter sport.

Solutions will be posted in the next edition of the blog.


hammad.s (eng140) said...

On those short winter days over the Christmas and new year holiday, many people enjoy resting at home or eating traditional foods like; turkeys and all trimmings, the fruit cakes, the plum pudding, and minced meat pies. To sit by the fire is also beneficial as the weather is usually cold but on the other hand, some people like participating in winter sports.

Michael said...

Good try, Hammad! There are still a few errors, though. Have a look at the corrections I posted on Jan 3.