23 May 2014


Change the time in the following sentences by using a different verb tense and replacing any necessary time clues. Each student should choose a different verb tense.

My parents will arrive for a visit tomorrow. I am worried that they might feel a little crowded in my small apartment and wish that they had gone to a hotel instead. They will have to sleep on a futon in the living room, and we will all have to share the bathroom. It could be awkward for everyone.


Audrey L said...

My parents arrived for a visit two days ago. I was worried that they might felt crowded in my small apartment and wished that they had gone to a hotel instead. They had to sleep on a futon in the living room, and we had to share the bathroom. It was awkward for everyone.

Michael said...

Good try, Audrey.

But "might felt" is incorrect. Maybe it is just a typo. You probably want to say something like "might have felt".